February workshops | The love of my life

The month of Love is here and it’s such a perfect opportunity to reflect about love. What if you ask yourself: What’s the love of my life?

I have so many unrelated passions, cycling, dancing, baking, blogging, hiking… and it’s so easy to get distracted. In a moment of desperation, I asked myself: How am I going to find my life purpose if I like so many things? Why can’t I be more focused? At that point, I even hired an astrologist to ask for guidance about my life purpose…

Inspired by Marie Forleo, I finally learned to accept my multipassionate spirit:

Acceptance was such a big blessing and once I accepted, things started unfolding in my favour. It was the summer of 2016 when my dearest friend Katy and I met in a coffee shop to discuss an idea: A series of workshops to support women with their self-development in Shanghai.

Since kicking off with that series, we haven’t stopped. To date, we have organised 80 self development workshops and offered warm support and helpful content to over 100 amazing local and international attendees committed to improving their lives and themselves. I am grateful for this chance to serve the community. Everything is possible with passion! I feel the greatest love for the MOTIVATE Shanghai weekly workshops!

If you have the passion to become better and better, to be surrounded by a supportive community, and to have a lot of fun, join the February workshops and experience great magic with us!

This is just one example of the weekly self-development sessions currently held in Shanghai. For more information CLICK HERE to sign up for our next workshop, please visit MOTIVATE Shanghai on Yoopay or scan here.