Money Mindset

Event Details

The saying that it’s your fault for dying poor is true! The statistics show that MONEY is the most common and most persistent problem. Learning to control their emotions over money will improve people handling of their finances. People possessing self-control put aside impulse spending and save money for emergencies and future planning. The conscious effort to control one’s expenditures and save up for the future is where financial success is. In this session, Adrian Cahill will share his knowledge and experiences in his journey as an entrepreneur and investor. You will get takeaways on how to handle your finances properly.


In this 90 minutes session as you;

1. Gain deep insight and new possibilities on what the human mind is capable of.
2. Experience NLP and High-Performance Processes to expand your capabilities
3. Empower yourself to start reprogramming your own mindset consciously.
4. 2 Gifts for all attendees that come live.

October 16, 2022 (Sunday), 1.5 Hour
5:00 PM GMT+8 China
7:00 PM GMT+10 Brisbane
5:00 AM GMT-4 New York
11:00 AM GMT+2 Barcelona


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