Welcome to Part 2 of your NLP Practitioner Course.


Part 2 of the manual: NLP-Manual-Pages-78-287-Dec2022-Version.pdf

And the Audio tracks 52-99 (down below).

As you listen and read, complete the assessment pieces as you go.


NLP Practitioner Manual Pages 82-101

NLP Audio series tracks 51-60

2022 NLP Practitioner Part 2 Assessment 3 V.1.12.2022


NLP Practitioner Manual Pages 102-180

NLP Audio series tracks 60-84

2022 NLP Practitioner Part 2 Assessment 4 V.1.12.2022


NLP Practitioner Manual Pages 181 – 206

NLP Audio series tracks 85-99

2022 NLP Practitioner Part 2 Assessment 5 TLT V1.12.2022



We suggest you have each assessment checked before proceeding.

It’s important to note, NLP is transformational, however, you can’t learn it just by reading, or watching videos. Too many NLP Practitioners today have sat through NLP training without completing and integrating the changes. Too many have struggled with applying NLP in their day-to-day lives. The real learning in NLP has ALWAYS come from experiences. The experiences take time. Fitting the required experiences into an NLP training and meeting the requirements set out by the Co-Creators of NLP, or by the Australian Association of NLP takes at least 9 full long days yet the original NLP in the 70’s-80’s was 28 days. Therefore we strongly suggest that you block out specific times to review and practice each week. Ideally, a time block at home, at work and for our Zooms. If you do this with the experiences we’ve designed throughout these assessments it will ensure you attain the skills and success more in line with the original or Classical NLP. 

With real-life practice and applications, you will become knowledgeable and attain far more wisdom.

By slowly completing each question/task in the assessments, you are becoming a newer, more skilled, more whole you.

Only rush to organise your calendar. 




NLP Audio series tracks 52-99

52 Meta Model DDG

53 Meta Model Considerations

54 Meta Model to Milton Model

55 Milton Model

56 Intonation Patterns

57 Constructing Metaphors

58 Open Loops

59 Metaphors of YOUR Life Exercise

60 New Metaphors of Life

61 De-Identification Pattern (Advanced)

62 Cartesian Coordinates (Advanced)

63 Anchoring

64 Anchoring EARS & ITURN Process

65 Choosing States to Anchor or Stack

66 State Elicitation

67 Collapsing Anchors

68 Chaining Anchors

69 More Anchoring

70 Anchoring to Strategies


72 Installing a Learning Strategy, Chain for Children

73 Strategy Elements & Elicitation

74 Utilizing Strategies

75 Designing & Installing Strategies

76 Motivation Strategies

77 Decision Strategies

78 Convincer Strategies

79 Buying Strategies

80 Spelling Strategies

81 Framing

82 Reframing Context Meaning

83 NStep Reframing

84 Parts Integration

85 Time Line Techniques

86 Test Driving The Timeline

87 Using the Timeline

88 Emotional Baggage

89 NLP Interventions on the Timeline

90 Timeline Clearing Anxiety

91 Timeline Resourcing

92 Values

93 SMARTER Goals

94 State vs Outcome

95 Sensualizing Goals

96 Placing Goals in the Timeline

97 Dealing with Difficult People

98 What is Coaching

99 Principles of Effective Coaching with NLP