
NLP Anchoring Using Essential Oils

Event Details

Did you know that your sense of smell is the only one that can directly access your subconscious mind? This means that smells can evoke emotions and reactions in us before we even have time to consciously process them. And that’s why I’m excited to introduce our guest coach, Holistic Therapist Anna Fox, who will teach us how to use NLP anchoring techniques with specific essential oils to achieve the states and emotions we desire. Join us for this workshop to discover the power of scent and how it can help you achieve your goals more quickly and easily.

In this workshop, we will cover:

1. Smell is a shortcut to the unconscious
2. Essential oils are known to affect emotional states
3. How to use essential oils to anchor desired states

About The Speaker;

Anna Fox is a holistic therapist who combines psychology, naturopathy, bioresonance, NLP, NVC, hypnosis, homeopathy, fasterEFT, the Emotion Code, and essential oils and loves empowering people to take responsibility for their own well-being through teaching workshops online and in-person, including at events such as the Mind Body Spirit festival.

March 12, 2023 (Sunday), 1.5 Hour
5:00 PM GMT+8 China
7:00 PM GMT+10 Brisbane
4:00 AM GMT-4 New York
10:00 AM GMT+2 Barcelona

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